La versión del servidor adb no coincide con este cliente.
Cada vez que intento ejecutar adb devices
$ adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
HT0ANRV05740 device
Dice que el demonio no se está ejecutando y lo reinicia.
Luego, si ejecuto adb devices nuevamente, hace lo mismo:
$ adb devices
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
HT0ANRV05740 device
Luego, si lo ejecuto de nuevo, vuelve a hacer exactamente lo mismo:
$ adb devices
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
HT0ANRV05740 device
¡¡Por favor ayuda!!
Además, mi DDMS sigue dándome el siguiente mensaje:
[2011-02-23 16:17:05 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Aquí están los registros justo antes de que se reinicie adb:
1291 locapi_rpc_glue V loc_ioctl
1291 RPC D written RPC packet size: [480]
1291 RPC D read RPC packet
1291 RPC D read RPC packet size: [28]
1291 lib_locapi V qct_loc_eng_inject_xtra_data, inject part = 100, len = 167, len = 167
1291 lib_locapi V qct_loc_eng_inject_xtra_data, total part = 100, len = 167
1291 locapi_rpc_glue V loc_ioctl
1291 RPC D written RPC packet size: [248]
1291 RPC D read RPC packet
1291 RPC D read RPC packet size: [28]
1291 lib_locapi D qct_loc_eng_inject_xtra_data: injected 39767, SUCCESS
1291 lib_locapi V inject_xtra_waiting = flase
1291 GpsLocationProvider D Releasing wakelock
1291 WifiService D releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NetworkLocationProvider type=2 binder=android.os.Binder@47aead50}
1291 WifiService D enable and start wifi due to updateWifiState
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage open event
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage client thread started
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage register cb event
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage status id = 2
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage open event
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage client thread started
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage register cb event
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage status id = 2
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write event
1218 rmt_storage I unblock rmt_storage client thread
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write: bytes written = 3145216
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write: bytes written = 512
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage status handle = 1
1291 BatteryStatsImpl I notePhoneSignalStrengthLocked: 4->3
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write event
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I unblock rmt_storage client thread
1291 PowerManagerService D New lightsensor value:40, lcdValue:143
1291 PowerManagerService D lightSensorChangedLocked, buttonValue >= 0, mPowerState = 3
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write: bytes written = 3145216
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write: bytes written = 512
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage status handle = 2
1291 RPC D read RPC packet
1291 RPC D read RPC packet size: [80]
1291 locapi_rpc_glue V Callback received: 80 (cb_id=0x50B0000 handle=1)
1291 RPC D written RPC packet size: [28]
1470 usicWidgetController D unbindMusicPlaybackService()
1707 MediaPlaybackService E BadQueue mPlayListLen : 0 mAlbumListLen : 0 mShrinkAlbumListLen : 0
1291 NotificationService V Battery Full, Charging
1291 lights E write ok string=0,len=1
1291 lights E write ok string=0,len=1
1291 lights E write ok string=0 0,len=3
1291 lights E write ok string=1,len=1
1707 D setOnCompletionListener being cleaned to null
1291 lights E write ok string=0,len=1
1291 lights E write ok string=0 0,len=3
1291 NotificationService V Turn off Jogball/OJ LED
1291 NotificationService D cancelNotification, ACTION_NOTIFICATION_REMOVE,,id=1
1291 AudioService I AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from$5@476dd838
¿Estás utilizando Genymotion para un dispositivo virtual?
En caso afirmativo, este error probablemente surgió porque ADB de Genymotion entró en conflicto con su ADB de Android SDK (usando el mismo número de puerto), para solucionar este problema simplemente vaya a settings
=> elija ADB
la pestaña => haga clic en la opción Use custom Android SDK Tools
y configure su carpeta SDK
Después de configurar esto, intente reiniciar su adb yendo a la carpeta platform-tools
donde adb
se encuentra y ejecute este comando:
./adb kill-server
./adb start-server
*consejos: puede cerrar el proceso de Genymotion antes de ejecutar el comando anterior
Espero que esto ayude.
Ocasionalmente encuentro que necesito cerrar y reiniciar explícitamente el servidor manualmente:
adb kill-server
adb start-server
Este shock suele ser suficiente para que se recupere y evita la repetición adb server is out of date. killing...
de mensajes.